The final goodbye

The final goodbye

  • In the Vault: Burying a Loved One's Ashes at Home

    Cremations aren't necessarily the final frontier for your loved one. Following the procedure, the cremated remains (ashes) are respectfully collected and placed inside a container. What happens next is up to you, but for some families, the next logical step is burial—and perhaps not in the most conventional way. Burial Plots It's not always a case of one or the other when it comes to planning your loved one's final needs.

  • Funeral Director FAQs

    Some families forgo the services of funeral directors when planning burials for their loved ones. Nevertheless, the services of these professionals come in handy when planning and executing funerals. Below are some funeral director FAQs to help you comprehend the work and benefits of funeral directors.  Who Are Funeral Directors?  Funeral directors are professionals who help organise and execute funerals. These professionals could be independent professionals or affiliated with specific funeral services.

  • Funeral Planning: Looking Ahead for your Loved Ones

    Funeral planning is an important part of end-of-life care in Australia, as it allows individuals to make their wishes known and ensure that their funeral is conducted in accordance with their beliefs and values. In Australia, there are a number of options available for funeral planning, and it is important for individuals to consider their options carefully in order to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved ones.

  • A Guide On How To Plan Memorials

    Memorials are the best way to commemorate your loved one. Traditionally, memorials happen after the funeral of the deceased. If you wish to plan a memorial, below are a few things you should know: Understand The Deceased's Culture The primary role of the memorial is to honour the memory of the deceased. Therefore, it is only befitting that you incorporate their cultural beliefs as you plan the memorial. The best approach would be consulting with family and friends to learn more about their culture.

  • Two interesting facts about cremations

    Here are two interesting facts about cremations that many people are unfamiliar with. It is possible for people to have their remains embalmed prior to their cremation Lots of people think that if they arrange to have their own remains or those of their loved ones cremated, they cannot embalm the remains beforehand. Many think this because they (incorrectly) assume it's not safe for embalming chemicals to be present in a body when the cremation is carried out, due to the high temperature potentially causing the release of these chemical vapours into the surrounding air.

  • About Me

    The final goodbye

    Working in a funeral home means we give people a chance to say their final goodbye to loved ones. No matter how hard it is in the moment to let go, when they look back, they are always grateful when they look back to have had a chance to mourn with family and friends and say their final goodbye. Everyone mourns differently, so we have different services and structures to support people through the process of choosing all of the details of the service. If you are confused by the options available, keep reading. This site is an introduction to funeral services.